Thread 78563 in /tech/

P78563 gcc segfault link reply
> int main(void) {return (int){(0, 1)} += 0;}
don't ask me what I was doing to find this
too lazy to report to GNU so do whatever you want with it
12 replies omitted.
P78789 link reply
Am I stupid or is this not valid C?
wtf does (0, 1) mean?
wtf does assigning a value to a literal mean?
P78910 link reply
A literal isn't a variable and can't hold another value you give to it. It's not proper code, but it should not explode either. OP probably had a variable that he wanted to increment, and then return that as an integer. Modern GCC has Gimple, which I'm guessing where the segfault came from. The 3 other compilers I tested don't have it and behaved as expected.
P78913 link reply
Compound literals are lvalues.
The code is valid in C99. You can check by compiling with clang -Wall -Wpedantic .
P78914 link reply
Clang does compile it.
clang -Wall -Wpedantic test.c
test.c:2:17: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]
2 | return( int ){(0,1)} += 0;
| ^
1 warning generated.

P103200 link reply
Here's a cursed meta container. Use it with caution, it's not standard :

template <template <auto...> typename T, auto... U,
template <auto...> typename V, auto... W>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator+(T<U...>, V<W...>) {
return T<U..., W...>();

template <template <typename...> typename T, typename... U,
template <typename...> typename V, typename... W>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator+(T<U...>, V<W...>) {
return T<U..., W...>();

template <template <typename, auto...> typename T, typename U, auto... V,
template <typename, auto...> typename W, typename X, auto... Y>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator+(T<U, V...>, W<X, Y...>) {
return T<U, V..., Y...>();

template <auto... Args> struct auto_pack {
using type = auto_pack<Args...>;

static constexpr size_t value = sizeof...(Args);

static constexpr size_t size() noexcept { return value; }

template <typename... Args> struct type_pack {
using type = type_pack<Args...>;

static constexpr size_t value = sizeof...(Args);

static constexpr size_t size() noexcept { return value; }

template <typename T, auto... Args> struct args_pack {
using type = args_pack<T, Args...>;

static constexpr size_t value = sizeof...(Args);

static constexpr size_t size() noexcept { return value; }

template <typename T> struct pack_size : std::integral_constant<size_t, 0> {};

template <template <auto...> typename T, auto... U>
struct pack_size<T<U...>> : std::integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(U)> {};

template <template <typename...> typename T, typename... U>
struct pack_size<T<U...>> : std::integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(U)> {};

template <template <typename, auto...> typename T, typename U, auto... V>
struct pack_size<T<U, V...>> : std::integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(V)> {};

template <typename T> inline constexpr auto pack_size_v = pack_size<T>::value;

template <typename T>
using rank = std::make_index_sequence<pack_size_v<std::decay_t<T>>>;

template <auto m, template <typename, auto...> typename T, typename U,
auto... n>
constexpr decltype(auto) over(T<U, n...>) {
return type_pack<auto_pack<m, n>...>();

template <typename... Args> constexpr decltype(auto) rank_pack(Args &&...args) {
return []<auto... N>(std::index_sequence<N...>) {
return (... + over<N>(rank<Args>()));

template <typename... Args> constexpr decltype(auto) tuple_cat(Args &&...args) {
auto t = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

if constexpr (!sizeof...(Args))
return t;
else {
return [&]<template <typename...> typename T, template <auto...> typename U,
auto... m, auto... n>(T<U<m, n>...>) {
return std::forward_as_tuple(std::get<n>(std::get<m>(t))...);

template <typename T> struct is_tuple : std::false_type {};

template <typename... Args>
struct is_tuple<std::tuple<Args...>> : std::true_type {};

template <typename T> inline constexpr auto is_tuple_v = is_tuple<T>::value;

template <typename... Args> using lists = type_pack<Args...>;

template <size_t N, typename T> struct identity {
using type = T;
static constexpr size_t value = N;

#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-template-friend"

template <size_t N> struct dec_i {
friend constexpr decltype(auto) adl_i(dec_i<N>);

template <typename R, size_t N> struct def_i {
friend constexpr decltype(auto) adl_i(dec_i<N>) { return R(); }

static constexpr identity<N, R> tag{};

#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

template <size_t N, auto = [] {}>
inline constexpr bool search = requires(dec_i<N> r) { adl_i(r); };

template <typename T, size_t N = 0> consteval decltype(auto) find() {
if constexpr (search<N>) {
constexpr size_t M = N + 1;

constexpr size_t D = 2 * N;
constexpr size_t H = N / 2;

if constexpr (search<D>)
return find<T, D + 1>();
else if constexpr (search<N + H>)
return find<T, H + M>();
return find<T, M>();
} else if constexpr (N == 0)
return identity<N, lists<>>();
return identity<N - 1, decltype(adl_i(dec_i<N - 1>()))>();

template <auto v> using state_t = typename decltype(v)::type;

template <typename T = decltype([] {}), size_t N = 0>
using take = state_t<find<T, N>()>;

template <bool B, typename T, typename U, size_t N = 0>
consteval decltype(auto) push() {
if constexpr (search<N>)
return push<B, T, U, N + 1>();
else if constexpr (N == 0)
return def_i<lists<T>, 0>().tag;
else {
auto l = lists<T>();
auto r = take<U, N - 1>();

return def_i<std::conditional_t<B, decltype(l + r), decltype(r + l)>, N>()

template <typename T, auto s = push<1, T, decltype([] {})>()>
constexpr decltype(auto) push_front = [] { return s; };

template <typename T, auto s = push<0, T, decltype([] {})>()>
constexpr decltype(auto) push_back = [] { return s; };

template <typename T = decltype([] {})>
constexpr decltype(auto) curr = [] { return find<T>().value; };

template <typename T = decltype([] {})>
constexpr decltype(auto) size = [] { return curr<T>() + search<0>; };

template <typename T = decltype([] {})>
constexpr decltype(auto) next = [] { return push_back<std::void_t<>>().value; };

template <typename T = decltype([] {})>
constexpr decltype(auto) clear =
[] { return def_i<lists<>, curr<>() + 1>().tag; };

template <typename T, typename... Args> struct integer_sequence_for {
static constexpr auto N = size<>();
using type = std::integer_sequence<T, (push_back<Args>().value - N)...>;

template <typename T, typename... Args>
using integer_sequence_for_t = typename integer_sequence_for<T, Args...>::type;

template <typename... Args>
using index_sequence_for = integer_sequence_for_t<size_t, Args...>;

Thread 53872 in /tech/

P53872 link reply
I, Asukadomo Type VIII, issue a fatwah on Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare.

He pretends to be part of the infosec scene while he's actually just a lawyer.
He isn't even a real lawyer, just a dropout.
He conveniently invokes either identity when he needs to appeal to one side.
He has single-handedly blocked Tor, VPN, etc from the internet, for 11 years without rest, by making a trendy webshit as a service that blocks Tor by default, requiring each website admin of a Cloudflare-backed website to overcome philosophical and technical hurdles to even realize this is a problem and to fix it by configuring Cloudflare properly.
In the above, he violated the end-to-end networking principle.
For the vast majority of these 11 years he used ReCaptcha, the most broken piece of shit captcha on earth (which blocks Tor over 50% of the time). It could only be solved by all kinds of tricks like disabling JS which itself raises more red flags on the website that acts like a paranoid retard. If you are blocked by a Cloudflare-backed website, say "", you have to fill out a ReCaptcha (and then a second one to access ""). Each of these steps takes multiple minutes. If you're doing some research it will take hours just to do what took 10 minutes before Cloudflare was invented.
Due to the above, many billions of man hours were wasted browsing websites over Tor, VPN, offices, universities, cafes, etc, due to his broken dipshit idea of blocking "hackers" by IP and making them solve a captcha.
In the above, he violated the purpose of a captcha: to throttle bot comment posts (and similar use cases). There is no other purpose for a captcha, and none would be acceptable. "Thing that stops my site from being rooted" is not a valid use case for a captcha. If you just put a captcha somewhere and only justify it by your opinion, you deserve DEATH. A captcha is not something that can be taken lightly, in network protocol design. He was given high levels of authority, and *****d it.
He has single-handedly fabricated a new concept where a website just gives you a captcha because you might be trying to hack it according to some heuristic which almost always gives false positives. Let me state this again: websites did not require a captcha for viewing content before Cloudflare. Not one single website. Dumbass ***** getting into webdev now think a captcha gate on the front page is a thing, thanks to Matthew Prince. If you put a captcha on your website anywhere other than a comment or signup form, you are just a nudev eating feces downstream from Matthew Prince.
While implementing all the *****ery above using webdevs (AKA retards), he created the CloudBleed security vulnerability, which caused all of his client bank websites to leak user credentials literally all over the web. Cloudflare no doubt has more of such vulnerabilities, which were obvious and predictable even long before he disclosed Cloudbleed.
He claims that websites are properties, by consistently calling them "web properties", thereby aligning the web as some sort of real estate market where the land owners can sue / jail anyone for made up reasons just like the entertainment industry does with DMCA (or just like land owners do to anyone and everyone for bullshit like "hanging around"). When in reality the internet is just for lulz.
He aligns his philosophy of attacking users when it has a 0.000000001 cent cost to the "web property" with liberal politics. So if you argue that blocking Tor is *****ing retarded and pointless, you are labelled a nazi by the left wing sheep. He got rid of 8chan because it was too far from the left - it allowed people to say things without "moderation" (actually it had heavy moderation and /tech/ was complete center). But 8chan made the mistake of not hiring N employees to "moderate" every single thing a user ever posts, and so /pol/ was allowed to exist with its 5 users, and then Tarrant posted his manifesto there. He then tried to formalize his reasoning as "8chan does not uphold rule of law", which means absolutely nothing, but he thought he was real smart for using a phrase he got from his half assed law degree. In reality, he just kicked off 8chan because it was not left wing enough. It did not ban people for saying "*****".
He has centralized most of the internet. He MITMs every user of his service. He grants this access to the NSA. Not maybe, he does. Just like before Snowden, it was obvious before it was "revealed".
He started off his business by showing how he thwarted a gorillian *****byte DDoS attack, which has left a mythos in the average script kiddie that "cloudflare is the only way to stop DDoS". On the contrary, what they actually sell to businesses is snakeoil like "blocking hacker IPs", and "blocking scapers", which is another nail in his coffin because the only *****ing use the web has is for being sc*****d. It's literally impossible to use any website made after 2001 without a bash script to retrieve its contents and display it in a terse form.
On top of all of this, he protects ***** *****, piracy, and scam websites by obscuring their ownership as well as protecting them from DDoS, citing free speech and such while still terminating sites like 8chan.
This faggot's net worth is 8 billion dollars from making a glorified CDN any stupid *****ing techie kid could (and did) back before 2010.
There is a cult surrounding this absolute hack of a company. Cloudflare is run by people who do not even understand the most basic engineering principles, who repeatedly show this by explaining how after N years they figured out how to do something previous net companies were already doing 10 years before them. If you say anything bad about Cloudflare you are automatically downvoted on HN and some faggot you're conversing with in a SF cafe will raise his eyebrow like you're one of "them". I'm not saying "bad" as in you called them *****s. I'm saying, if you even disagree with any single technical choice they made, or prefer some other company for one of their services.

Kill Matthew Prince. Behead Matthew Prince. Roundhouse kick Matthew Prince into the concrete. Slam dunk Matthew Prince as a baby into the trash can. Crucify Matthew Prince. Defecate in Matthew Prince's food. Launch Matthew Prince into the sun.

If you delete this post you're gay.
5 replies omitted.
P63831 sage link reply
P63857 link reply
P63859 link reply
Ooohhh Mortadello...
P63860 FaggotChan link reply
...and for no reason at all hitler just killed a bunch of people
P102918 link reply
Cuckflare is at it again. Those bastards.


Cuckflare is trying to take over DDNS with a "free" product.

>That's because this free product is meant as a gateway drug (aka a loss leader) to Cloudflare's WAF/Anti-DDOS products (which require TLS termination to happen on their side for technical reasons).

Thread 96041 in /tech/

P96041 Encryption doesn't work link reply
1. You encrypt your PC and you think you are safe.
2. The postman knocks on your door to deliver letters to you.
3. You open the door.
4. The police grabs you and puts you to the floor.
5. They go to your running PC.
6. They copy RAM.
7. They extract encryption key from RAM.

How to protect against this?

Is it safer to live with someone (family, ***** wife) or alone?
If you live with someone you can wait for them to open the door and check who is there.
If you live alone what will you do? Turn off PC every time someone knocks on the door?
You could live alone and never open the door, except when you scheduled someone visiting you (and you still turn off the PC to open the door).
You could have a panic button (device) that will turn off PC remotely (radio waves), but if police grabs your arms you will not be able to press the button.
87 replies omitted.
P102522 link reply
AES-XTS has no integrity, and most people use AES-XTS if they use block level encryption. There isn't really a way to know if the disk contents were tampered with from AES-XTS alone.
There's an experimental LUKS feature for authenticated disk encryption that has iffy performance and wasn't ready for prime time last I checked. I don't know if it has improved, might eat your data. The rest of the solutions are filesystem level so they are filesystem specific (ZFS [AES-GCM], bcachefs).
>That's true but also you could be adding a hardware backdoor by using a chipset which supports encrypted memory.
Could be true of any hardware really.
UKIs are an improvement but aren't necessarily usable in all distributions (some require the flexibility to provide some features), and a lot of distros aren't going to have them set up by default anyway.
P102528 link reply
>AES-XTS has no integrity, and most people use AES-XTS if they use block level encryption. There isn't really a way to know if the disk contents were tampered with from AES-XTS alone.
Ok but also the whole point of encryption is that you don't know what the data is. An attacker can flip some bits at random but that's not going to get them anything.

There are some rare cases in hardware hacking where you have the unencrypted firmware and you know exactly how it is laid out in flash then you can flip a bit in the encrypted data that will invert a conditional branch in the code when the data is decrypted and skip some kind of security check when the device runs. But on your desktop 1TB encrypted harddrive with an unknown linux distro inside there is no way for the attacker to know which bit to flip to get any kind of useful reaction.

>UKIs are an improvement but aren't necessarily usable in all distributions
You can't have it both ways if you want to be a 1337 h@x0r doing 1337 h@x0r things you can't then complain that ubuntu doesn't spoonfeed you.
P102700 link reply
>Ok but also the whole point of encryption is that you don't know what the data is.
Encryption provides confidentiality, integrity allows for the integrity of the volume to be checked at the very least. They can be combined for a more secure system.
If you're using secure boot, I'm assuming you want the other layers in the software and the hardware secured too?
> An attacker can flip some bits at random but that's not going to get them anything.
Well, you could add in some sort of program that will take over after secure boot is done doing its thing and then slurps up the password as it's being entered. Maybe it'd trample a little bit of the data but you could clone the whole drive beforehand. Of course a hardware keylogger would do the same but this is probably harder to detect.
>You can't have it both ways if you want to be a 1337 h@x0r doing 1337 h@x0r things you can't then complain that ubuntu doesn't spoonfeed you.
I'm not talking about not being there by default, I mean not usable. I don't think NixOS and Guix made it work yet with their hundreds of generations showing up in the bootloader.
P102707 link reply
>If you're using secure boot, I'm assuming you want the other layers in the software and the hardware secured too?
I don't use secure boot. And I'm not worried about an attacker flipping random encrypted bits on my storage. If you are worried about that you could look at something called dm-integrity which I think is filesystem independent but I don't know that much about it.

>you could add in some sort of program that will take over after secure boot is done doing its thing
When secure boot is done you are running the linux kernel which has passed all the signature tests. The next thing it does is run the initramfs which will ask for your password to decrypt the root filesystem and then do switch_root. So if you're using FDE then the only weak point is the initramfs but you already know about that.

>Maybe it'd trample a little bit of the data
You've got no way of making that code execute though it will just turn into garbage data when the kernel tries to decrypt it because it is supposed to be a LUKS partition.

>I mean not usable. I don't think NixOS and Guix made it work yet with their hundreds of generations showing up in the bootloader.
Why doesn't it work? They don't have the right config options set in the default kernel? You would have to compile your own kernel in that case. I don't see why else it wouldn't work. Linux is linux, the difference between the distros is largely in userspace.

Denpa will never be a real [spoiler: person].
P102818 link reply
You could just not store any data that would be usable against you.

I guess that depends on what you're looking for privacy and anonymity for. Like, if you're running a business that might be hard to have no records at all, but if you're running a successful darkweb business you could just move to a place that it's legal.

Right now the malicious scheme to create forensics is forcing anonymizing software to embed an OS unique seed into encryption keys to positively link users to each packet of data they send. So basically they get the live OS USB stick with the unique seed, then they can positively link all internet traffic irrespective of you retaining any data, passwords, or logs on your hardware to the hardware.

The key thing with all these groups that compromise communication technology is that they always feel they can't be retaliated against for compromising millions of people's communications and exposing them to mass surveillance. If you remove that, it stops because no one's willing to do it anymore.

Who do these people work for? Well, they compromise communications around the world, but China is exempt from that mass data harvesting. So China gets to see what everyone else in the world is doing, track them, identify their opposition, access and eliminate their opposition in governments and economics around the world, and these lackeys around the world make up reasons to expose the entire population to foreign surveillance.

All the political rhetoric against mass surveillance, data aggregation, cyber security compromises from the USA's government seems to only exist to extort a bribe from China and other groups. Basically, they're saying they want a cut, and once they get a cut they back off. Take Trump and Tik Tok, he threatened to shut it down up to the exact moment that he got a cut through a crony of his buying up Tik Tok stocks cheap, now he doesn't care that China is conducting mass surveillance and influence operations against the USA through Tik Tok. He just was extorting a cut of the profits.

If they really wanted to shut it down, they could to it in a day without Congress passing any law. Shut down foreign apps in the app stores, arrest all the data aggregators that have been selling user data to China, block malicious foreign sites through the ISPs, cut the undersea internet cables with China, have satellite ISPs totally block connections with China, then just watch for hard drives being exported to China through the mail, boats, or airports.

Thread 102490 in /tech/

P102490 8of7 link reply
how do i make sure the python and ruby compiler isn't backdoored after i spent 3years looking at every file in the gcc to make sure there are no strings like
3 replies omitted.
P102685 link reply
The unironic answer to this question would be that you wouldn't because the source code for the interpreters for these languages is extremely long and would be impossible to audit effectively as an individual. You should seek to minimize the damage that any backdoor may cause by minimizing the attack surface with relation to these interpreters. For example you could try installing an all inclusive firewall that blocks all network traffic by default and then avoid unblocking applications which use these languages directly, so that no network access to these applications can be made.
P102688 sage + boomer moment + neckbeard retard knows *****ing nothing link reply
>just assumes he correctly audited gcc
ok gpt
wow a firewall in default block mode nobody has ever thought of that 30 years ago and tried it and figured out it doesnt work
P102692 link reply
I was answering OPs question as directly as I could. If the python and ruby interpreters are an area of concern you should seek to isolate them and removing networking access is just one possible way to do so. If the backdoor in question is not just a simple bug (that calls for isolation to prevent exploitation) and more like active malware then this simple idea might not work but you would probably be able to notice such a backdoor by looking at system resource usage. Ultimately the usage of any software comes with a certain risk. Minimizing the attack surface of your computer by reducing the amount and complexity of software you use is also a good idea.

If the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) is backdoored then yes, that would be an even bigger problem as then potentially almost all of the software on your computer could be backdoored including the kernel and various components relating to the firewall. If this possibility is a significant risk in your threat model then you should seek to disconnect your computer from the internet entirely so that an attacker would require physical access to your computer, and then physically secure your computer as best as you can.
P102696 link reply
your dumb and that was a troll post. stopped reading there
makes me realize im dumb for talking to stupid people you all could be trolling by how dumb the shit you write is
P102703 8of7 link reply
it wasn't a troll post you you stupid wanker i told you i checked all of gcc for a backdoor and there is none. thank you for the advice i am now using a firewall and python will not be able to send my data to the nsa with its backdoor. this is only possible because i have no IME, if you have an IME it can use the onboard radio and bypass T***** blocks

Thread 101778 in /tech/

P101778 tech link reply
did you know that your clock skew can deanonymize your IP?
what do you use to keep your clocks synced?
protip: not NTP since you send your skew to the remote server that logs it and gives it to NSA
11 replies omitted.
P101901 link reply

really is fixed
P101904 link reply
Somone told be curl can get the time header of a server then you convert the offset and pipe it to set the time or something but not exactly p sure tbh
P102397 link reply
sheeeeesh firefox is fine i wanna put my palemoon in it
P102404 12of7 link reply
forgot signature
P102518 link reply
>You can use a curl script that gets the time from a server over torsocks then converts to your offset and sets it.

Thread 101251 in /tech/

P101251 plan⑨ link reply
Is our choice of UNIX over plan9 the biggest loss in computing and OS history?
8 replies omitted.
P101335 link reply
What does plan9 bring, other than more network integration? If that's all, I really don't see any reason to use it for desktop computing. Mainframes aren't so common anymore, but even then ssh isn't so complicated to setup and use.
The shell being graphical sounds nice, but it doesn't provide a unified interface Ă  la windows so it misses the point here too (modern *nixes distros come with a graphical environment anyway).
The most recent push for thin clients was google's chromebook, but that didn't work out and they went for a more traditional laptop in the end.

>Is this associated in any way with 9front?
9front is a fork of plan9. One of the 2 most popular and active
>I already hate it because of Wokeism.
You're an idiot
P101345 link reply
> anymore
> most recent
> also implying today, now etc.

You're completely missing the point.
P101349 link reply

just use nixos ffs
P101763 link reply
>what does plan9 bring
last i heard it has a framebuffer that is a file, wow so revolutionary.
faggot nerds see this as "wow it has homogeneous primitives" while in reality it changes *****ing nothing and you just still have a pile of un*x slop where every single primitive is actually backdoored and backfires as always because every program is still all shitty argv parsing slop. you still serialize the exact same data in 15 different formats because some tranny user thought YAML looked cool and has no idea how software actually works, or some autistic loser who uses dbus because he thinks aligning data types before sending them is the reason why his gnome bullshit crashes to a halt on anything less than 4GHz 8 core bullshit that just came out this year (yeah i dont know what plan9 actually uses, but it will be variations on this theme, nothing more)
rob pike is a huge moron also who lacks basic common sense on anything. he's the slowest dull witted personality i've ever witnessed after dabbling with go slop quite a lot
P102485 link reply
Perfect way to describe this post XD
Something to snack on, but nothing more

Thread 102240 in /tech/

P102240 6to8 link reply
if i type ^? twice in the terminal it inputs this elite hacker face:
have i been hacked?????????
P102262 6of8 link reply
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/zero

oh and its ^/ not ^?
P102272 youcanncallmeAl link reply
post is mid ngl
P102303 link reply
That should be Backspace key.

intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>; eol2 = <undef>;

^? 127 0177 0x7f

Thread 72056 in /tech/

P72056 SunOS (AKA Solaris) link reply
Solaris is a propriety Unix OS from Sun Microsystems, now Oracle. It ran on high-end workstations and servers in the '90s and '00's. It had many cutting edge features for its time. Many of them have made it to other computer systems (rpcbind, NFS, ZFS, Java). [bold: Solaris] is theoretically possible to be the offical OS of Lambdaplusjs chan. Run the SPARC architecture for an extra degree of coolness.

Where can we get it since SPARC hardware is hard to find and usually expensive? Just run it under QEMU (version 8.0.x, 8.1.x SPARC support is broken).

Install DVD:

Unrar. Make a disk image for install (hard disk):

qemu-img create -f qcow2 solaris_9.img 36g

Install instructions (mostly the same for Solaris 9):

Boot with bridged networking (here tap8, adjust for your environment):
qemu-system-sparc -m 256m -M SS-5 -drive file=solaris_9.img,bus=0,unit=0,media=disk -drive file=sol-9-905hw-ga-sparc-dvd.iso,format=raw,if=scsi,bus=0,unit=2,media=cdrom,readonly=on -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:58 -net tap,ifname=tap8,id=net0,script=no,downscript=no -audiodev pa,id=snd0 -rtc base=utc -vga cg3 -boot menu=on,order=cd -serial pty -daemonize

Later, we can connect to the serial line printed on startup via Kermit.

Unfortunately I've never gotten the sound to work. Maybe it's not supported in QEMU. Make sure to shutdown the system properly. An improper shutdown makes a real mess. To guard against this, you can use base images (shadow file as they are called in other emulators). Once you get your install to a place you like, "shadow" the disk image after shutdown:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b solaris_9.img -F qcow2 solaris_9_sf.img

From this point on, use "solaris_9_sf.img" for your disk image. Once shutdown again, if you are happy with any change, commit the changes:
qemu-img commit solaris_9_sf.img

If you make a mistake, reset back to the last-known-good image with:
qemu-img rebase -f qcow2 -b solaris_9.img -F qcow2 solaris_9_sf.img

and restart with a new solaris_9_sf.img

Watch this thread for more tips & howtos.
30 replies omitted.
P91812 link reply
>every *nix system
wat bout NixOS?
P91816 link reply
That's a linux distro you mongrel
P96933 The story of Sun Microsystems and the Java programming language link reply
P101721 link reply
How much coolness can fit on one screen?

I think I nailed the Paver design. You can see it there next to the one that comes with Solaris.

Thread 101461 in /tech/

P101461 HOPE Conference thread link reply
Hi! Did anyone go or watch remotely? How was it? So many good talks.
Looking for the videos when they're available.
Also sharing 2600: The Hacker Quarterly - Summer 2024 issue
P101462 link reply
no i only attend pinsent's lecture about clothes
P101463 2600_Digital_Edition-41-2.epub link reply
Oops, rename that file 2600_Digital_Edition-41-2.epub
P101467 link reply
Any drama this time?

I haven't paid attention to them since 2018 when the organizers had a full meltdown because 2 people turned up in MAGA hats. One of them went to the tracking "fake news" talk and at the end uses the Q&A time to tell them everything they got wrong about Charlottesville. You don't see him on camera but you see the presenter's buttcheeks tighten when he sees the MAGA hat. The other guy was more of a troll he was apparently blocking the aisles and when people wanted him to move he told them to stop fat shaming him. In the end somebody stole the skinny guy's MAGA hat and the cops were called.

From what I remember the EMP talk was pretty good. And How Your Personal Information is Obtained and Exploited was a good talk. The presenter rage quits HOPE near the end and goes into a rant about how they are all brainless political NPCs now and they literally turn off the lights and throw him off the stage.

HOPE is run by clowns I guess that's my point.

Thread 101277 in /tech/

P101277 Tier B country link reply
Can anyone find a source for this quote from Privacy International?

'Intelligence-sharing agreements have now expanded beyond the Five Eyes to include other states:
- ...
- Tier B countries with which the Five Eyes have “focused cooperation” on computer network exploitation, including Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungry, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey;'
8 replies omitted.
P101385 link reply
These are the ones where he features as the prime character. Images where he cameos aren't included because I forgot which ones those were.


They probably do sweeps at various ISPs at certain times of the year, and go after people a 100 a pop. If you try to snarf something new and popular, they are more likely to go after you if a major corp. complains.
P101394 link reply
why is it called jd?
P101397 link reply
They are joker-dogs. All joker-dogs are named "JD".
P101445 sage link reply
Op nvr heard of 14 eyes
P101448 link reply
The 14 eyes are in the part of the list I omitted (in the center). I would like a reference for this "Tier B country" classification.

Thread 55574 in /tech/

P55574 Noisy is a command-line tool for generating random DNS and HTTP/S internet traffic noise. link reply
Noisy is a command-line tool for generating random DNS and HTTP/S internet traffic noise.

A "correlation attack" is a way that powerful adversaries can deanonymize Tor users. The traffic that goes "in" and "out" of the Tor network can be correlated to break Tor's anonymity, and this risk is all the more realistic with advances in Machine Learning.

The Tor Project officially recommends to "do multiple things at once with your Tor client" to counter correlation attacks: "an adversary that externally observes Tor client traffic to a Tor Guard node will have a significantly harder time performing classification if that Tor client is doing multiple things at the same time." An analysis of how a correlation attack was used in a trial notes "create random internet traffic when using Tor — ideally by running a script."

On Whonix Workstation, type (or copy paste) exactly the following command into the terminal:
python3 --config config.json
This will run the noisy script based on the default configuration file provided, over the Tor network. Output will list the websites that are being visited, and look something like:
42 replies omitted.
P100837 link reply
But how do I make noisy work like a systemd service?
P100876 link reply
>Everyone has to start somewhere meanie.
you are wrong, these people are actual larpers that only want to feel elite. after 6 months of using a unix like operating system you should be familiar with running services, writing shell scripts and how the fhs works MINIMUM.
this is a beginner task for any computer user.
P100881 Matt link reply
systemd is very diff then non systemd tho
P101261 link reply
>But how do I make noisy work like a systemd service?
You need to create a unit file

Copy one that already works and then change it until it does what you want.

>after 6 months of using a unix like operating system you should be familiar with running services
Obviously not everyone is as smart as you.
P101310 link reply
>Obviously not everyone is as smart as you.
it's not about being smart, they didn't put in any effort in reading documentation or manuals, they just want to feel like they're elite hackers.

Thread 100125 in /tech/

P100125 link reply
why does git log everyone's time zone is this social media for boomers? like AOL?
29 replies omitted.
P100916 link reply
Shut up faggot with your backhanded replies
P101084 b8, the thread link reply
i wouldnt be surprised if it stuffed your hostname into the metadata
thats like 6000 lines of bash. let me guess you also read the build system of xz ("its only 600 lines of M4 macros bro")
why are you faggots suggesting various "solutions" to the problem, i will not ever use ANY of your software
>an autistic dweeb spent 10 years on something
and what results is insane horse shit that solves no real problem like noscript that millions of s***** install thinking it does something else than what it does
>bruteforce defense
aka passwordlet cope. please *****ing kys. no im not installing some code written by some aspie who is "big into pentesting" who would address such an idiotic concern. i dont need a "secure" multiuser system for storing my *****, *****ing loser morons who install un*x and secure it against your second user which is a gf you will never have.
P101085 link reply
meant thats like 6000 lines of C
P101127 link reply
>let me guess you also read the build system of xz ("its only 600 lines of M4 macros bro")
Bash is if-else statements at best...
P101130 link reply

Kicksecure is *****ing gay as shit but timedatectl to change timezone before init git is reasonable but but it require root...

Thread 100761 in /tech/

P100761 credentials to control python/pypi unwittingly exposed for a year link reply
in a <brainlet>docker</brainlet> container
>timeline of events
>2023: secrets published to a public docker container
>2024: some loser who gets paid to find such things finds it and shills his stupid product. <soyvoice>thats why its important to run an accidental credentials leak scanner on your releases</soyvoice>
7 replies omitted.
P100894 Jay Eye link reply
idgi tbh plz explain?
P100909 link reply
If it could be educative for her birthday, which is 1000 times better then opencuck and its hoofs turned into a situation where none of them other than using Whonix VMs, and the writings of Lucien Goldmann.
P100917 link reply
P100977 link reply
>hapas are better then wh*tes the thread
P100983 link reply
Honestly I have never once felt the need to run any docker containers on a no-js setup on Qubes.

Thread 58301 in /tech/

P58301 Why are whites like this? link reply
>Uses gajim xmpp client
>Have ubuntu, debian or other unix shit distro as os
>geoclue comes installed by default
>XEP-0080 supported

This is why tomboys are superior to wh*tes
24 replies omitted.
P99296 link reply
Has gajim got better or is it wh*te trash
P100871 Matt link reply
It's still white trash, last update shit is still bad nothing new or improved just like iPhones
P100878 >>>/wtech/ link reply
>in reality i could just spend 5 minutes adding chat to my game using a
Greenspun's tenth law. Your implementation will be buggy, slow, unscalable, and probably thread-unsafe (can you even thread?). And, worst of all, completely avoidable and unnecessary. Just use XMPP, stupid.

Yeah, we do need it to be fault-tolerant and scalable. We're expecting to have more than 3 users, and we're expecting them to pay, so they will get very angry if your Go/Ruby/C steaming pile of shit craps out on them regularly. Sure sucks to not know Erlang, doesn't it, boyo?
P100879 Matt link reply
>Sure sucks to not know Erlang, doesn't it, boyo?

Was Elden Ring written in Erlang?
P100928 link reply
>why are faggots like this the thread

Thread 95452 in /tech/

P95452 Which is better for stability and security? link reply
I have several computers and I want one to be offline 80% of the time. It will be my most personal computer, where I will leave my photos, videos, things that are important to me and that I wouldn't want anyone other than me to touch.
I'm between Debian and FreeBSD to use as the machine's operating system and I wanted to know the opinion of the anons here, which is better for the security and stability of my files? Remembering that the computer will spend most of its time offline, it will only receive internet to make updates.
27 replies omitted.
P100908 link reply
>which is better for the security and stability of my files?
Btw, you want something like RAID and not kernel hardening to keep your files safe and secure.
P100910 link reply
What are we using databases for a company or self hosting get th ***** outa here for personal desktop usage
BTW, I've been playing with my mistresses in the back for climate goals or whatever the ***** peace out yo.
P100911 link reply
>get th ***** outa here for personal desktop usage
Why? I like to have full redundancy on my internal hard drives. It takes no more than 5 minutes to set up (or 60 if you're new).
P100912 Matt link reply
***** of corpo bitchling
P100924 link reply
idgi though RAID 0 = data loss and also why do you need two drives unless you are some faggot ***** ?
even having a drive in your pc is bad news and very jewish way to get blackmailed by someone named Jamie K. Muller.

Thread 49672 in /tech/

P49672 VM host live OS "vmdebian" link reply
I could not find an actively maintained live OS for use as a VM host. There was VMKnoppix, but it is discontinued.

I made a script you can use to build a Debian live OS with VirtualBox and QEMU included. It uses live-build and works in Whonix.

lb config --archive-areas "main contrib" --mirror-bootstrap $LB_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP --mirror-chroot-security $LB_MIRROR_CHROOT_SECURITY --mirror-binary --mirror-binary-security
***** /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/fasttrack-archive-keyring.gpg config/archives/fasttrack-archive-keyring.key.chroot
***** /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/fasttrack-archive-keyring.gpg config/archives/fasttrack-archive-keyring.key.binary
echo "deb bullseye-fasttrack main contrib" >> config/archives/fasttrack.list.chroot
echo "deb bullseye-fasttrack main contrib" >> config/archives/fasttrack.list.binary
echo "task-lxde-desktop virtualbox qemu" >> config/package-lists/my.list.chroot
sudo lb build 2>&1 | tee build.log
3 replies omitted.
P54411 link reply
kicksecure seems like a good choice but doesn't come as a ready made ISO.

So you want a live distro that comes with vm software?
P99345 link reply
very interesting ngl tbh
but why choose virtualbox
P100899 link reply
you can't even get SSL encryption on your country with Inshallah the Great Helmsman?
P100922 Jamie K. Muller link reply
>here was VMKnoppix
wow based

Thread 98834 in /tech/

P98834 link reply
Microsoft breached antitrust rules by bundling Teams and Office
10 replies omitted.
P100748 link reply

P100755 link reply
Wait, that's illegal???
P100757 link reply
You forgot about performance.
P100758 link reply
If they do receive kickbacks from microsoft representatives, yes.
P100900 link reply
99% of the Software & Services to you or your *****ren of Sodom and Gomorrah were not quite right about it phoning home, firmware updates, updates, bandwidth usage, and it works that day.

Thread 99064 in /tech/

5 replies omitted.
P99411 link reply
The "gimping" is just you. Try reloading the page, faggot.
P99504 link reply
P100882 link reply
P100889 Matt link reply
P100897 link reply
Now I am a piece of bloatware in open source AI community.

Thread 99826 in /tech/

P99826 Tell me something cool to install? link reply
wat is something cool to ***** wit

>t. python tools or modules
>t. super sekret hacker shiz
>t. something cool
14 replies omitted.
P100222 * link reply
>torsocks --isolate bing_sc*****.py fagmin png

torsocks --isolate python3 bing_sc*****.py fagmin png
P100225 link reply

Randomly select a rating and copy it to the system clipboard (if available).
This script is similar to "Magic 8ball", intended to be used with imageboards.

version 1.3.1 - Add support for begin and end bold tags such as on Lambdachan

import random

# Edit this to the bold text mark-up (usally double-single quotes or maybe triple-single quotes)
# that is used on the imageboard you'll be using this with.
boldTextBegin = "[bold:"
boldTextEnd = "

# Set seed value for debugging, leave blank for system time default

# A class to make a "Magic 8ball" type object from
class Rater:
def __init__(self):
# The phrases to respond with
self.phraseTuple = (
"Double Sage",
"Get vaxxed!",
"12of7 aproves",
"Thats why I only smoke kush",
"it's p chill ngl",
"wh*te people",
"baiting of to bait post rn",
"I've seen hapas do better.",
"9/10 would tbh",
"'Fo shizzle my nizzle",
"Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)",
"That's money dood..."

# Randomly select an element from the reply bank
self.replyLine = random.choice( self.phraseTuple )

# Get a new rater
rating = Rater()

# pyperclip is gae also negated
print( "Rated: " + rating.replyLine )
P100239 link reply
>bing doesn't require api key
wtf you dont even need a API key to sc***** unlike google, I love Microsoft now.

How can I make it so those redirects go to privacy front ends like for ex Tumblr keeps cockblocking
P100574 link reply
P100750 vandalism link reply

Thread 99999 in /tech/

P99999 99999 link reply
9 replies omitted.
P100124 link reply
How did Cirno come to be associated with Microsoft?
P100130 link reply
Is she? The joke in OP is just that they skipped the number 9
P100149 link reply
>why cirno is associated with number 9
>why there is no windows 9
P100260 link reply
We didn't deserve windows 9
P100261 link reply