P126198 How to learn R? link reply
I'm an experienced C programmer with 10+ years of experience looking to learn R for a job position. Are there any resources online that will teach you the syntax without telling you what a variable is or what a function does? Looking to get through it quickly.
P127398 link reply
I would start with this

But R is quite a specialized language I would still look for a textbook with exercises to learn it property and get the most out of it. Usually you can just skip the first chapter of "this is a variable" "this is a loop" bullshit.

It looks like nobody here is a datafag and can give you a better answer but I am happy you are working to improve yourself.
P127692 sage link reply
For the five seconds I looked at it, it looks like visual basic wanting to be lisp with minimal formatting in an interpreted language. Looking at the readme which was stupid to find it really is an interpreted language like python. From the readme
>Our aim at the start of this project was to demonstrate that it was possible to produce an S-like environment which did not suffer from the memory-demands and performance problems which S has. Somewhat later, we started to turn R into a "real" system, but unfortunately we lost a large part of the efficiency advantage in the process
So its a big bloated peice of shit now that the compiler devs are adding uneccessary features for nu-devs like yourself such as virtual objects and component-based programming. I mean the language was originally meant for datafags so I guess it makes sense their priorities would change from datafags which were highly skilled programmers to every javashit pajeet out there.
The source code of the project would be your best source for real world usage https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-4/
If you are supporting legacy S/R lang code, good for you. If you are starting a new project then why in the name of God would you use this steaming pile of shit over something like Pandas in cython or the likes?
P127693 link reply

even though i dont like you that site was cool so, thanks
