P93305 an.ultimatum.for.jd-ASUKADOMO link reply
never post here again
>>guise how does X trivial thing work
>put on baseball cap with some stupid *****inig logo like Dell on it
>yeaaaaah, in the original days, you see, it was like this and that yeaaaaaah PARADIIIM
>yeah i was there when that happened yeah
>then this and that happened
>yours truly -jd
>btw all of what i said is written in the first paragraph of a wikipedia article on this subject

literally every time you write a nice well formatted paragraph replying to some dumb question its the same shit over 9000 other inept boomers also know, and something everyone in tech has already read 9000 times on random websites or heard from work / edu

you do not engage in normal human discussions. you talk to yourself and dumb little ***** who you can impress

with any adult you quickly get into an argument (since the other party instantly starts insulting you for being retarded). you are an 80s faggot who thinks every argument can be won by "yeah actually i knew that" once you realize youre wrong. nobody cares that you learned, they started talking to you to insult you as an invalid. you arent our friend who we are happy to have taught something to. WE ONLY TALK TO YOU TO INSULT YOU

do you see why youre banned from all forums now? im not a rulecuck but i can. YOU ARE BANNED FROM THE HAPASPHERE

youre also a ***** (as in, someone who likes 8 year olds, which needs saying since normalfags have a different definition) which makes you even more *****ing inept and retarded you may as well snort meth out of your asshole at this point

when stack overflow started, it became the first sign of intelligence on the internet. these geeks embedded in industry started talking about what theyre doing and a few things they said actually put them slightly above the imbeciles we knew consist of the entire tech industry. they understood things that normalfaggots usually could not, like "security through obscurity bad", "IPS/WAF firewall bad", "if you rely on the firewall to not get hacked youll get hacked", "escaping input good", "input latency bad", "OOP mostly bad". BUT they are ultimately still *****tards who have zero common sense and only came to say these things after 25 years of their boss telling them to do the opposite. it took them the next 20 years to say "C bad" (something people with common sense knew before stack overflow started, even if theyve only been programming for a year). that is you
P93306 link reply
every single thing jd writes is predictable because you are just a muricunt halfwit boomer archetype. he may as well never write at all since its redundant
P93309 link reply
lol, seethe more
P93333 link reply
>the other party instantly starts insulting you for being retarded
t. failer of the IQ test